Well, it has finally come. This is the end of the semester. Though it is the end, it is also the beginning to more classes since this is only my first year. I have more years ahead of me to get to the point where I finally achieve that degree. Even though it is just the first semester, it seems like I have been doing it for a long time. It is going to be a big relief when everything is done and finished and it is time to graduate from college. I know it is a little far, but believe it or not, I have been thinking about it alot! This english class has taught me alot of things. Despite the things I have learned, there are things I feel like I should still brush up on some. Essays were always my biggest struggle, even before college. I always had trouble just starting them. Funny thing is I am such a big procrastinator, that I write better and get everything finished when I am under pressure. I am not real sure that I am going to be able to break the procrastination habit. It's not a good thing, but I can just about guess it is not going to go away. Though I have had some struggles here and there, I think that overall it has been a good semester.