Sunday, January 22, 2012

College and Writing

College kind of makes me miss high school. I remember how older friends would always say, "I miss high school" or "I wish I could go back to high school." Everytime I heard that I'd always say, "no way will I every want to come back!" But now look at me; that is exactly what I am saying. I also somewhat enjoy college though. Not having to get up as early and having some sort of freedom in a way is kind of nice. I also think of college and furthuring my education as, the beginning of the rest of my life. Earning that degree, finding that perfect job, and hopefuly making the amount of money you always hoped to. Not everyone gets that opportunity to go to college, so you might as well get what you can out of it.

Writing is also not my thing. When you have to read over other classmates drafts in school I always thought everyone used such clever and smart words. To me it was just like how did they think of wording it like that? I am hoping to improve my writing from this class. I am also a terrible procrastinator. Wait.......I think what I actually mean to say is I am a great procrastinator. When it comes to writing I am always putting it off until the last minute. Or maybe I will start and than it's not going the way I want it to so I than put it off until a later date.

I am hoping to learn from my classmates and also learning more about myself so I will try harder to achieve what I need out of school and from there, in life.

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