Sunday, April 15, 2012


One fallacy that comes to my mind is when people where hoodies. Trayvon Martin was a victim all because he had a hoodie on and looked "gang-like." He was only seventeen and was carrying a bag of skittles on him. As he was walking home a neighborhood watch man by the name of George Zimmerman followed him. He contacted the police and reported that Trayvon had suspicious behavior. After the phone call Zimmerman continued to follow him and ended by fatally shooting Martin in the chest. When police arrived to the scene Zimmerman told them he shot Martin in self-defense because Martin had attacked him. This was not the case. Did he do this just because Trayvon looked to be someone of a gang? This poor kid had nothing but skittles on him. Did the hoodie make him a bad person? Was he attacked mainly because he was a black person and wearing a hoodie? Would Zimmerman have attacked if it was a young white boy wearing a hoodie? I almost feel he was being racist in the fact that he even thought that this poor young man was being suspicious. He had no right to do what he did. There was no evidence to show that this kid was bad. This is something that really came to my attention.

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