Sunday, February 19, 2012


I am definitely an avid Facebook user. I am probably on there alot more than I should be. It is very distracting too when I am in the process of trying to get my homework done. I think that seeing what people are up to that day and viewing their pictures can be so very interesting.

 Facebook is a way to connect with everyone you know and also keep in touch and see what people you haven't seen in a while are doing. There are also down sides to Facebook. There are a majority of people who post every little thing they do. Do you really want everyone to know that much about you and your life? Facebook has also created alot or arguments between people. Drama is a big issue on Facebook that I have noticed. Some post something in hopes to have their enemy see it and hoping it gets to them. Alot of people post things they really shouldn't. Facebook is also a thing that determines whether you can get a job or not. Many employers check that stuff out to see what kind of person they are hiring. By saying that, I think Facebook has it's pros and cons.

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